Tag Archives: Taiwan

2024 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2024)

At the 2024 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2024), held in Kaohsiung from December 10 to 13, Mr. Zhao presented the following paper.

  • Chenyu Zhao, Naoya Yamamura, Hiroshi Tsutsui, Takeo Ohgane, “Evaluation of Computational Cost and Result Accuracy in Design and Efficient Implementation of Log-Mel Spectrogram and MFCC Feature Extraction Using Fixed-Point Arithmetic on FPGA,” Proceedings of International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), Dec. 2024.

Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, Annual Summit and Conference 2013 (APSIPA ASC 2013)

Mr. Shimazaki (M2 student) presented the following paper at Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, Annual Summit and Conference 2013 (APSIPA ASC 2013)
held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on Oct. 29 to Nov. 1.

  • Kosuke Shimazaki, Shingo Yoshizawa, Yasuyuki Hatakawa, Tomoko Matsumoto, Satoshi Konishi, Yoshikazu Miyanaga, “A VLSI Design of an Arrayed Pipelined Tomlinson-Harashima Precoder for MU-MIMO Systems,” Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, Annual Summit and Conference 2013 (APSIPA ASC 2013), OS.46-SPS.5, 166, 1 Nov. 2013.