Research Presentations by Mr. Chen and Mr. Ishisaki at the BCT Workshop

Mr. Chen and Mr. Ishisaki presented their research achievements at the BCT Workshop, which was held at Muroran Institute of Technology on July 26.

  • Yuito Ishisaki, Kyotaro Kunii, Hiroshi Tsutsui, Takeo Ohgane, “An Evaluation of Communication Quality and Line-of-Sight Impact on LoRa Wireless Communication Using Radio Measurement Vehicle in Sapporo Suburbs,” ITE Technical Report, Vol. 48, No. 23, pp. 8-11, BCT2024-53, 26-26 Jul. 2024 (in Japanese). [URL]
  • Yuanyou Chen, Hiroshi Tsutsui, Takeo Ohgane, “Performance Evaluation of Reservoir Computing Based MIMO-OFDM Detection with Precoders,” ITE Technical Report, Vol. 48, No. 23, pp. 12-15, BCT2024-54, 26-26 Jul. 2024 (in Japanese). [URL]

This workshop was held with the support of Muroran Institute of Technology and the Center for Computer Science (CCS), Muroran Institute of Technology. Before the lunch break, there was a presentation titled “Introduction of Muroran Institute of Technology” by Professor Kaoru Ohta, CCS Director.