IEEE Region 10 SYWL Congress 2024

The IEEE R10 SYWL Congress was held at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center from Thursday, August 29 to Sunday, September 1.
M2 Saito and M1 Ishisaki from Hokkaido University SB (HU-SB) participated.

IEEE classifies the world regions geographically, and HU-SB belong to Region 10 (R-10, Asia-Pacific).
In this Congress, about 300 participants from R-10 gathered together and deepened exchanges through various sessions.

In Breakout Sessions, each Student Branch gathered at the same place to listen to lectures and conduct simple activities.
By bringing together people in the same position, we were able to get to know the participants with a sense of intimacy.

In the Poster Session, we introduced about Hokkaido University SB.
Many people were interested in talking to us, and we became more confident in our activities.

We also listened to various lectures on IEEE activities and how to deal with the latest technologies, which we found very interesting.

During the conference, We had dinner with many participants every night.
On the third night, the standing buffet party called “Cultural Night” was held. Music and dance representing each country were performed, and we enjoyed the sense of togetherness by dancing together.

Throughout this Congress, We could experience the joy of interacting with people from various backgrounds.
This is a proof of the broad base of IEEE with its diverse personnel, and it is also a proof that IEEE is a place where people from various backgrounds can interact with each other with a great sense of purpose.
This is a foundation of the wide range of people who belong to IEEE and the active exchange of opinions among the participants with great goals in mind.
We both would like to give back to the people around us what we have gained from this experience.

IEEE Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop 2024

IEEE SBLTW 2024 was held at National Olympics Memorial Youth Center on Thursday, August 29.
M2 Saitoh and M1 Ishisaki from Hokkaido University SB participated.

In the morning, Dr. Akihiko K. Sugiyama gave a Student Activities Workshop.
First, Dr. Sugiyama gave a lecture titled “Easy to Read and Engaging Presentation,” in which participants learned how to create easy-to-understand slides for research presentations. In the group work session, participants used the slides they had prepared in advance and discussed how to modify them to make them easier to understand. Finally, each group summarized the results of their discussions and gave a presentation, receiving feedback from Dr. Sugiyama for each group.
The lessons learned in this session will be of great help to the participants in creating slides in the future.

In the afternoon, the poster session was held as part of the Student Branch Activity Report. In the session of the Hokkaido University SB, we explained our research and SB activities. Through discussions with various students, We think we were able to obtain good knowledge and inspiration.

IEEE Japan YP Study Lab 2024 in Sendai

Mr. Tanaka from IEEE Hokkaido Univ. Student Branch participated in IEEE Japan YP Study lab 2024 in Sendai on May 18 (Sat).

This event was organized by IEEE Sendai Section Young Professionals Affinity Group (Sendai YP AG) and IEEE Kansai Section Young Professionals Affinity Group (Kansai YP AG). The event aims to improve the skills of engineers and researchers.

In the morning, the lecture on creating a website using Github and ChatGPT was held. In the afternoon, the LaTeX study session using Overleaf was held.
After these sessions , we had a meaningful time sharing information about each chapter’s activities and future plans.

Thank you very much to Sendai YP AG and Kansai YP AG.

Internet Symposium (application deadline: 2/9 (Fri) 23:59 2/14 (Wed) 23:59)

The Internet Symposium organized by the IEICE Hokkaido Section Student Activity Committee co-organized by the IEEE Hokkaido University Student Branch will be held as follows. This symposium is an event for students, where research presentations and question-and-answer sessions are all held on the website. It would be greatly appreciated if you could use this symposium as a place to present and discuss your research results. We look forward to your participation.

Call for Papers
FY2023 IEICE Hokkaido Section Internet Symposium

    • Date: Feb.22,2024(Thu)-28(Wed) (1 week)
    • Application deadline: Feb.9,(Fri) 23:59 Feb.14,(Wed) 23:59
    • Paper submission deadline: Feb.16,(Fri) 23:59 Feb,19,(Mon) 12:00
    • Organized by Student Activity Committee, Hokkaido Section, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
  • Co-organized by
    • IEICE Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch,
    • IEEE Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch and
    • IEEE Hokkaido University Student Branch

A student networking in the 2023 Joint Convention, the Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan

On October 28, the following three branches co-organized a student networking event in the 2023 Joint Convention, the Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers.

We conducted the event in-person, where the number of participants was 49. From four universities, Hokkaido University, Kitami Institute of Technology, Muroran Institute of Technology, Hokkaido University of Science, and University of Hyogo, five students in total presented their activities and laboratory lives.

IEEE SB YP Workshop

On Friday, September 22nd, we hosted the IEEE Student Branch Workshop at the conference room on the 11th floor of Hokkaido University.

This event was an independent initiative, originally part of the student presentation segment within the Hokkaido Young Professionals Workshop held annually by IEEE Sapporo YP. This year marked the inaugural attempt of such a format. In organizing this event, we received co-sponsorship not only from Hokkaido University SB and Sapporo YP but also from Kansai YP, Kansai University SB, and Muroran Institute of Technology SB. On the day, we had many participants attending both the SB Workshop in the first half and the YP Workshop in the latter half.

During the SB part, students conducted presentations on their research themes and participated in group work about the Student Branch. Students from Muroran Institute of Technology, Kansai University, and Hokkaido University presented their research, receiving questions and advice from the attendees and Professor Sato. In the group work, participants were divided into two groups to share information and opinions about each Student Branch.

In the YP part, awardees selected for the YP Award took the stage to deliver lectures on their respective research themes.

Being able to interact with students from geographically distant locations and listen to the lectures by distinguished YP researchers was a valuable experience that I believe will be beneficial in our future research activity.

The continuation of this event in the next year is yet to be determined, but we believe that having interactions across multiple Student Branches, as was done this time, is meaningful as an IEEE activity, and we hope to continue it.

IEEE Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop 2023

Kunii and Ishizaki participated in IEEE SBLTW 2023 held at Kansai University from June 30 (Fri.) to July 1 (Sat.).

On the 30th, we had workshops on manga production and self-expression by Mr. Kasuga, a scriptwriter, and Mr. Ogawa, an editor, and advisor from DNP Co. In the group work, participants discussed how their research activities could be used in the future, and presented their ideas in their own formats. By discussing with students who study in different fields, we were able to obtain good knowledge and stimulation that is different from the usual.

On the first day, each participant exhibited a poster introducing his or her SB, and we exchanged information in the form of a poster session. Based on the exchange on the previous day, I feel that we were able to have a very meaningful exchange of information about research and activities of other branches.

This year, a workshop related to the Manga Story Contest, which is held annually by IEEE JC, was also held, making the two-day event a great opportunity to learn about technologies and knowledge in other fields.

Also, our branch celebrated its 25th anniversary this year. In honor of this, we received a commemorative plaque from IEEE on the second day.

IEEE Japan YP study lab 2023 in Nagoya

Mr. Saito from IEEE Hokkaido Univ. Student Branch participated in IEEE Japan YP study lab 2023 in Nagoya on April 22 (Sat).

This event was organized by IEEE Nagoya section young professionals affinity group (Nagoya YP) and IEEE Kansai section young professionals affinity group (Kansai YP). This event was the workshop of Raspberry Pi and Overleaf to improve the skills of engineers and researchers.

IEEE members came to the workshop from all over Japan. After the workshop , we had a meaningful time to share the activities and discuss about future plans of each section. Thanks for Nagoya YP and Kansai YP for holding.

Internet Symposium (application deadline: 2/13 (Mon) 23:59 2/16 (Fri) 23:59)

The Internet Symposium organized by the IEICE Hokkaido Section Student Activity Committee co-organized by the IEEE Hokkaido University Student Branch will be held as follows. This symposium is an event for students, where research presentations and question-and-answer sessions are all held on the website. It would be greatly appreciated if you could use this symposium as a place to present and discuss your research results. We look forward to your participation.

Call for Papers
2022 IEICE Hokkaido Section Internet Symposium

  • Date: Feb. 24th (Fri) – Mar. 2nd (Thu), 2023 (1 week)
  • Application deadline:
    Feb. 13, 2023 (Mon), 23:59 Feb. 17, 2023 (Fri), 23:59
  • Paper submission deadline:
    Feb. 19, 2023 (Sun), 23:59 Feb. 21, 2023 (Fri), 12:00
  • Organized by Student Activity Committee, Hokkaido Section, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
  • Co-organized by
    • IEICE Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch,
    • IEEE Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch, and
    • IEEE Hokkaido University Student Branch