IEEE Region 10 SYWL Congress 2024

The IEEE R10 SYWL Congress was held at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center from Thursday, August 29 to Sunday, September 1.
M2 Saito and M1 Ishisaki from Hokkaido University SB (HU-SB) participated.

IEEE classifies the world regions geographically, and HU-SB belong to Region 10 (R-10, Asia-Pacific).
In this Congress, about 300 participants from R-10 gathered together and deepened exchanges through various sessions.

In Breakout Sessions, each Student Branch gathered at the same place to listen to lectures and conduct simple activities.
By bringing together people in the same position, we were able to get to know the participants with a sense of intimacy.

In the Poster Session, we introduced about Hokkaido University SB.
Many people were interested in talking to us, and we became more confident in our activities.

We also listened to various lectures on IEEE activities and how to deal with the latest technologies, which we found very interesting.

During the conference, We had dinner with many participants every night.
On the third night, the standing buffet party called “Cultural Night” was held. Music and dance representing each country were performed, and we enjoyed the sense of togetherness by dancing together.

Throughout this Congress, We could experience the joy of interacting with people from various backgrounds.
This is a proof of the broad base of IEEE with its diverse personnel, and it is also a proof that IEEE is a place where people from various backgrounds can interact with each other with a great sense of purpose.
This is a foundation of the wide range of people who belong to IEEE and the active exchange of opinions among the participants with great goals in mind.
We both would like to give back to the people around us what we have gained from this experience.