Internet Symposium (application deadline: Feb 14 (Fri) 23:59 )

We would like to inform you that the Internet Symposium organized by the IEICE Hokkaido Section Student Activity Committee co-organized by the IEEE Hokkaido University Student Branch.

This symposium is an event for students, where all research presentations and Q&A sessions will be conducted online. We hope that you will use it as a forum for presenting and discussing research results. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Call for papers

Call for Papers for the FY2024 IEICE Hokkaido Branch Student Association Internet Symposium:

  • Presentation Application Deadline: 23:59, Friday, February 14, 2025
  • Manuscript Submission Deadline: 23:59, Friday, February 21, 2025
  • Date: 28 February (Friday) – 6 March (Thursday), 2025  (1 week)
  • Organized by Student Activity Committee, Hokkaido Section, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
  • Co-organizer:
    • IEICE Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch
    • IEEE Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch
    • IEEE Hokkaido University Student Branch

For details, please refer to

IEEE SB YP Workshop 2024

The IEEE Student Branch Workshop was held on 11 December (Wed) in the 11th floor conference room of Hokkaido University.

This workshop is an independent student presentation part of the Hokkaido Young Professionals Workshop held by IEEE Sapporo YP every year. This year was the second attempt.

In addition to Hokkaido University SB and Sapporo YP, Kansai YP, Kansai University SB and Muroran Institute of Technology SB co-organised the meeting.

The SB Wordshop and YP Workshop were held at the meeting.

In the SB Workshop, the Hokkaido University SB and Kansai University SB gave talks on SB and student life, as well as presentations on their research.
In addition to the presentations, group work and mini-games were organised by the Hokkaido University SB.

In the YP Workshop, the winners of the YP Award gave lectures on their research topics.
We also had a valuable opportunity to participate in a tour of the research facilities at Hokkaido University.

It was a great opportunity for students and researchers who are geographically distant from each other to interact with each other and to listen to lectures by outstanding YP researchers.
We are very happy to have this opportunity.