Student Networking Event at the 2016 Hokkaido Joint Convention of Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers

A student exchange meeting of the joint planning session of IEICE Hokkaido University student branch (Chair: Mr. Miyajima) and IEEE Hokkaido University student branch at the Hokkaido branch association meeting was held at 2016 Joint Convention, the Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, in Hokkai-Gakuen University Yamahana Campus on Nov 5th-6th. A total of six people, the four universities, Hokkaido University, Hokkai-Gakuen University, Muroran Institute of Technology, Kitami Institute of Technology, presented the activity report of the academic society to which they belonged and the situation of regular research life.

Uesaka the Chair of IEEE Student Branch at Hokkaido University reported the activity. In the Q & A session, explanations were given on how to launch the new branch and benefits of launching it, and the recruitment of the members was done.

There were not many opportunities for students to plan and exchange sessions at ordinary academic meetings and it was a good experience. Also, I was able to deepen the exchange between universities and fields through questions and chat.

IEEE Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop 2016

Aug. 5-6,  2016, Uesaka and Kikuchi  participated in IEEE SBLTW 2016 held in Kyoto, Doshisha University, as IEEE Hokkaido University Student Branch.

On the first day, we have a poster presentation about our activity in 2015. And on the second day,  we have the IEEE quiz tournament and student discussion.

In the IEEE quiz tournament, Kikuchi was the fifth place (prize: Kyoto Yatsuhashi),  in the student discussion, Uesaka gave a presentation as a representative.

IEEE Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop 2015

We participated as IEEE Hokkaido University Student Branch to IEEE SBLTW 2015 which was held on 15-16 May at Waseda University.

On the first  day, we made a presentation on our activities and some researches of SB members at poster session. On the second day, we were divided into some groups according to each theme and made a discussion, and representatives of these group presented in three minutes.

In addition, a joint reception party of IEEE Metro Area Workshop (MAW) was held. We had good experience by interacting with the other students and working people.