A student networking event after 2020 Joint Convention, the Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan

On November 7, the following four branches co-sponsored a student networking event after the regular sessions of the 2020 Joint Convention, the Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers.

It was the first time to hold it online, and there were as many as 50 participants. A total of 6 people from 4 universities, Hokkaido University, Kitami Institute of Technology, Muroran Institute of Technology, and Hokkaido University of Science presented their activities and laboratory lives.

Chair Kawabata moderated, and Treasurer Yasugi gave a presentation, introducing the activities of IEEE and IEEE SB, and explaining the conditions and methods for establishing SB. We also asked the presenters to make 1-2 questions (quizzes) and asked the participants to answer them using the Google Form. Quizzes were interesting and some of them were news to most attendees. We believe that the participants enjoyed these quiz sessions. The top 10 people who answered the quiz correctly were presented with a mug with the IEEE Sapporo Section logo as a novelty. Through presentations and quizzes, I was able to learn about the research lives of students from other universities and laboratories, which was a good experience.

Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch Establishment Ceremony

Hokkaido University SB participated in the ceremony for the establishment of the IEEE Muroran Institute of Technology SB held on Aug 2 at Muroran Institute of Technology. The IEEE Muroran Institute of Technology SB was officially established on Mar 13. Before this establishment, only one SB exists in Hokkaido, Hokkaido University SB. I hope that this SB establishment contributes in-depth knowledge exchange and valuable networking among SBs in Hokkaido.

At the ceremony, SB activities and student research topics were presented by both SBs. Also, a special lecture entitled “Privacy and Trust Issues in Vehicular Networks” was given by Prof. Priyadarsi Nanda of University of Technology Sydney. At the end of the ceremony, a special cake commemorating the establishment appeared in a surprise. A cake-cutting ceremony was performed by Counselors and Chairs of both SBs, and IEEE Sapporo Section Chair. Everyone ate the cake deliciously. After the ceremony, a networking meeting was held to deepen exchange.

IEEE Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop 2019

Mr. Takanashi and Mr. Kawabata participated in IEEE SBLTW 2019 held at Waseda University on May 25 (Sat)-May 26 (Sun) as representatives of Hokkaido University Student Branch.

On the 25th, we started with a self-introduction and reported the activities of each SB in a poster session format. Since each university is unique in its activities, we were able to exchange meaningful opinions with each other. At the welcome reception, student activities committee members and students from each branch exchanged information about not only student branch activities but also research topics frankly.

On the 26th, we had a group discussion under a theme specified by Waseda University SB. IEEE Quiz deepened our understanding of IEEE. The group discussion was a valuable chance to discuss with other university students. Before discussions, we enjoyed “Ogiri” conducted by Waseda University SB. Thanks to Waseda University SB, whose members conducted this workshop with formal, casual, and enjoyable styles, we had a good two days.

Student Networking Event at the 2018 Hokkaido Joint Convention of Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers

A student exchange meeting sponsored by IEICE/IEEE HU student branch was held on Oct 27 in Hokkaido University. This was a part of 2018 Joint Convention Record, the Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers. A total of four people from three universities; Hokkaido University, Muroran Institute of Technology, Kitami Institute of Technology presented such as their research topics, and the activity of their academic society.

Our Branch presided at the meeting. Chair Yamada moderated, and Takanashi of Master’s 1st year reported the activity of IEEE Student Branch and presented the merit of developing branches, as IEEE SB at Hokkaido University.

That was a good experience of acquiring knowledge about regular research lives of each university and field, through some sessions.

IEEE R10 SYWL Congress in Bali

So Tsuyuguchi (M2) attended to the IEEE R10 SYWL Congress in Bali from August 30 to September 2 as a representative of the Hokkaido University student branch.
Region 10, consisting of IEEE’s Asia-Pacific region countries, has approximately 73,000 members and is the world’s largest international organization.This time I was aiming to increase the presence of the IEEE Japan Section and Sapporo Section by feeling the motivation to exchange opinions and research with international
exchange with many IEEE members.

In this Congress, there are many places to interact with students from various countries, and in addition to workshops, we were able to experience exchange with many students in tea time, conversation in the hotel, culture sessions and so on. I feel that all the experiences
I felt as a result of exchanging opinions and motivation for research were in these international exchanges.
I would like to return this experience to juniors and students in the university from now on.

IEEE Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop 2018

Aug. 7-8,  2018, Tsuyuguchi and Takanashi participated in IEEE SBLTW 2018 held in Tokyo Denki University, as IEEE Hokkaido University Student Branch.

On 7th we had a poster session about our activity as usual. We discussed the operation policy of each Student Branch, and how we increase the number of Branches. After that we joined a welcome reception, which we shared information and interact with students from other Branches, and also the members of Student Activities Committee.

On 8th a Q&A Session was held. And we had a group discussion on a theme proposed by the SB of Tokyo Denki University. That was a valuable opportunity of arguing with students.

Student Networking Event at the 2017 Hokkaido Joint Convention of Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers

A student exchange meeting of the planning session of IEEE Hokkaido University student branch was held at 2017 Joint Convention, the Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, in Future University Hakodate on Oct 28th-29th. A total of five people, the three universities, Hokkaido University, Future University Hakodate, Muroran Institute of Technology, presented the activity report of the academic society to which they belonged and the situation of regular research life.

Watanabe of Master’s 1st year reported the activity as IEEE Student Branch at Hokkaido University. In the Q & A session, explanations were given on how to launch the new branch and benefits of launching it, and the recruitment of the members was done.

It was a good experience as there are not many opportunities for students to plan sessions and deepen exchange between universities and fields.

IEEE Japan SYWL Workshop, IEEE SBLTW 2017

Kikuchi and Yamada participated as IEEE Hokkaido University Student Branch to IEEE Japan SYWL(Student/Young Professionals/Women in Engineering/Life Member) Workshop held on March 3 at the Chiba Institute of Technology, and IEEE SBLTW (Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop) 2017 held on March 4 at the Makuhari Messe.

At IEEE Japan SYWL Workshop, we discussed on the theme “Next Generation of IEEE” and presented it in English.
At IEEE SBLTW, we had a poster session about our activity in 2016.

We also participated in IEEE Japan Sections’ 60th Anniversary Celebration and Welcome Reception that was held at the same time.