Tag Archives: PARTHENON

The 50th PARTHENON Technical Society Conference @ Meiji University Ikuta Campus

On December 25, B4 student Yuzuki Morikawa presented the following paper at the 50th Parthenon Technical Society Conference held at Meiji University Ikuta Campus. We also participated in the Parthenon Workshop held on December 26.

  • Yuzuki Morikawa, Chenyu Zhao, Hiroshi Tsutsui, Takeo Ohgane, “Towards a Low-Cost Hardware Implementation of a Mel Filter Bank for Audio Signal Processing,” Proceedings of the 50th PARTHENON Technical Society Conference, pp. 32-33, Dec. 2024 (in Japanese).

Participation of Fourth-Year Students in the 27th PARTHENON Workshop

Morikawa, Sakaki, and Hori, fourth-year undergraduate students, participated in the 27th PARTHENON Workshop, organized by the PARTHENON Society, Non-Profit Organization, held at
the Tokyo Campus, the Institute for Small Business Management and Technology (Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation) from Thursday, August 29 to Saturday, August 31 (Tsutsui also participated). They implemented their own designed systems on the DE10-Lite platform using the hardware description language NSL and the CPU they designed with it.

The 49th PARTHENON Technical Society Conference @ Meiji University Ikuta Campus

On December 23, M1 student Chenyu Zhao presented the following paper at the 49th Parthenon Technical Society Conference held at Meiji University Ikuta campus. This presentation was selected for the Outstanding Presentation Award. It seems that Zhao will later receive a PARTHENON T-shirt.

  • Chenyu Zhao, Hiroshi Tsutsui, Takeo Ohgane, “A Prototype Implementation of Audio Signal Pitch Shifting Utilizing Arty A7 and I2S MEMS Microphone Controlled by RISC-V Processor,” Proceedings of the 49th PARTHENON Technical Society Conference, pp. 25-29, Dec. 2023.

40th PARTHENON Technical Society Conference

At the 40th PARTHENON Technical Society Conference which was held in Kyoto University on Sep. 29, Assoc. Prof. Hiroshi Tsutsui reported Collaborative Work for Embedded Systems Training (Phase-2) held at Universities’ Research Centre (URC), the University of Yangon.

Collaborative Work for Embedded Systems Training at the University of Yangon

Assoc. Prof. Tsutsui participated Collaborative Work for Embedded Systems Training (Phase-2) held at Universities’ Research Centre (URC), the University of Yangon. The workshop was held on 20 Aug. to 5 Sep. He gave some lectures and exercises using DE0 FPGA board. The topic where he involved was related to hardware description languages mainly targeting NSL and C programming for a tiny embedded processor, SN/X.