On Friday, September 22nd, we hosted the IEEE Student Branch Workshop at the conference room on the 11th floor of Hokkaido University.
This event was an independent initiative, originally part of the student presentation segment within the Hokkaido Young Professionals Workshop held annually by IEEE Sapporo YP. This year marked the inaugural attempt of such a format. In organizing this event, we received co-sponsorship not only from Hokkaido University SB and Sapporo YP but also from Kansai YP, Kansai University SB, and Muroran Institute of Technology SB. On the day, we had many participants attending both the SB Workshop in the first half and the YP Workshop in the latter half.
During the SB part, students conducted presentations on their research themes and participated in group work about the Student Branch. Students from Muroran Institute of Technology, Kansai University, and Hokkaido University presented their research, receiving questions and advice from the attendees and Professor Sato. In the group work, participants were divided into two groups to share information and opinions about each Student Branch.
In the YP part, awardees selected for the YP Award took the stage to deliver lectures on their respective research themes.
Being able to interact with students from geographically distant locations and listen to the lectures by distinguished YP researchers was a valuable experience that I believe will be beneficial in our future research activity.
The continuation of this event in the next year is yet to be determined, but we believe that having interactions across multiple Student Branches, as was done this time, is meaningful as an IEEE activity, and we hope to continue it.