Takahiro Inatsuki (M2) attended to the IEEE R10 Congress in Sri Lanka from July 9 to July 12 as a Chair person of student branch of Hokkaido University.
IEEE Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop 2015
We participated as IEEE Hokkaido University Student Branch to IEEE SBLTW 2015 which was held on 15-16 May at Waseda University.
On the first day, we made a presentation on our activities and some researches of SB members at poster session. On the second day, we were divided into some groups according to each theme and made a discussion, and representatives of these group presented in three minutes.
In addition, a joint reception party of IEEE Metro Area Workshop (MAW) was held. We had good experience by interacting with the other students and working people.
2015 Officers
Officers for 2015 are chosen. See Officers.
IEEE Student Branch at Hokkaido University
We opened this site, IEEE Student Branch at Hokkaido University. We are now ready to publish our activities.